
Utvecklarbolaget is acquired by SolidX


Weibull M&A exclusive advisor to owners of Utvecklarbolaget when they were acquired by SolidX

SolidX AB has on 20 December 2023 completed the acquisition of all shares in Utvecklarbolaget Stockholm AB and Utvecklarbolaget Backend Stockholm AB (together "Utvecklarbolaget"). SolidX thereby takes the first step in its acquisition journey and significant expansion to Stockholm. SolidX now acts as the parent company in a group of five subsidiaries, this is an important step towards becoming a leading consulting company in the Nordic region.

Utvecklarbolaget is an IT consulting company that specializes in matching experienced and high-performance developers in both frontend and backend with different organizations and companies. The company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Stockholm. Operating income for the financial year 2022/2023 amounted to approximately SEK 52.5 million with an operating profit of approximately SEK 5.8 million, corresponding to an operating margin of approximately 11.1 per cent.

About SolidX

SolidX AB, which is listed on Spotlight Stock Market, is a consulting company, founded in 2001, with a focus on IT and digitalization and acts as a competence and resource reinforcement for SolidX customers. SolidX is part of a group and currently has five subsidiaries, SolidX Care, SolidX ApS and Sekel AB and now also Utvecklarbolaget Stockholm AB and Utvecklarbolaget Backend Stockholm AB. By offering its consultants more favorable conditions than other competing consulting companies, SolidX has created a business that is subject to a steady growth rate, low staff turnover and a broad customer base. SolidX's concept and vision includes being the best employer and the obvious choice for consultants. This means being an innovative employer that gives more to the individual consultant, based on the consultants' own wishes and ideas. The vision is to offer consultants unlimited competence development, freedom and flexibility, an attractive salary model and full transparency.

For more information about the company, visit https://utvecklarbolaget.se/

For more information about the buyer, visit https://www.solidx.se/

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