
Humana AB acquires Solstenen i Skåne AB

Aktuellt Solstenen Förvärvas Av Humana

Humana becomes the new owner of Solstenen i Skåne AB with its five LARO clinics in Skåne. LARO stands for medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. Solstenen i Skåne AB has a turnover of approximately MSEK.

Charlotte and Peter Gedeon started Solstenen together in 2014. Solstenen has grown and developed into a market-leading player in LARO operations. All five clinics will be part of Humana Individual and Family’s new division for Health and medical care, which was launched in January. The operation is conducted according to Region Skåne’s care choice LARO, where the patient can choose Solstenen and Humana. 

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