
Silver Weibull acquired by Tass AB

Hässleholmsbaserade Silver Weibull Förvärvas Av Tass AB

Weibull M&A was the sell side advisor when Swedish firm Silver Weibull Sweden AB with its subsidiary Silver Weibull Production AB was acquired by Tass AB. Silver Weibull Sweden AB designs, manufactures and sells sugar centrifugals globally and the company has a long-standing history that dates back to 1922. The subsidiary, Silver Weibull Production AB, is a subcontractor within mechanical processing and welding. The companies have about 30 employees and revenues of approximately 90 MSEK combined.

Small Cap Partners, the seller of Silver Weibull, is a private equity firm focused on medium sized companies from the south of Sweden. “- We are very happy to have had the opportunity to develop the company during our four years as owners, but it was clear that it was time for a new owner to take over”, says Per Nilsson from Small Cap Partners and resigning chairman of the board of Silver Weibull.

Tommy Larsson at Tass AB is now very much looking forward to, together with CEO Jonas Ronaldsson and the staff, to develop Silver Weibull further as a new long-term owner.

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